Facetime in Saudi Arabia – how to use Facetime from anywhere [April 2025 Update]

How to Enable Facetime in Saudi Arabia

Facetime is an amazing Apple app popular all over the world. Unfortunately, like many other voice calling applications Facetime is blocked in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
If you would like to use Facetime in Saudi Arabia or UAE, please read below and you will find a simple and secure solution for video and voice calls from the KSA and other countries.

3 Simple Steps to Use Facetime in Saudi Arabia

With Aeroshield you can unblock Facetime in Saudi Arabia without jailbreak.

1. Get your Aeroshiled account – you can Try it today for FREE

2. Install the app for the secure invisible connection.

3. Connect and use Facetime audio and video calls in Saudi Arabia without any limits.

Best services for FaceTime calling in Saudi Arabia:

  1. Sahrzad (Free Trial):
    Our top choice to use Facetime in Saudi Arabia. A speedy,
    privacy-conscious service with no-logs policy, and a wide range of
    advanced security features.
  2.  Aeroshield (Free Trial):
    The best budget service to unblock FaceTime calling in Saudi Arabia. With no
    connection limit, decent speeds, and a major focus on security,
    Aeroshield makes it easy to use FaceTime safely in KSA.
  3. Relaska (Free Trial): Fast and reliable, with top-notch security and privacy protection service to make FaceTime calls in Saudi Arabia.


Why There is no Facetime in Saudi Arabia?

Please note this solution works only for iPhones and iPad bought outside Saudi Arabia. If you have an iPhone ordered in Dubai or Abu Dhabi this solution might not work for you. In any case, you can try it for FREE.

Is Facetime Available in the Saudi Arabia

Apple said that in the new iOS version Facetime will be available in the United Arab Emirates.

Kik Messenger is blocked in UAE – find out how to unblock Kik.

Many websites are blocked in UAE. You can use Aeroshield to unblock any of them.

Best VPN Facetime in Saudi Arabia

There are many VPN providers to choose from. We recommend select secure and reliable services. In any case, it is better to test the service before ordering.

Avoid using free VPNs – this is NOT SAFE.

Take care of your Internet privacy and security.

Facetime in UAE

If you can’t make a FaceTime call on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

You need a cellular or Wi-Fi connection to use FaceTime on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Over Wi-Fi, FaceTime requires a broadband connection.


You might have issues using FaceTime for one of these reasons:

  • FaceTime and FaceTime audio calling might not be available for all countries, regions, or carriers.
  • FaceTime isn’t available or might not appear on devices purchased in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and United Arab Emirates, including Dubai. However, with iOS 11.3 or later, FaceTime is available on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch in Saudi Arabia. And with iOS 12.4 or later, FaceTime is available on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch in Pakistan. Update your device to get FaceTime in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
  • Call forwarding isn’t available with FaceTime.
  • You try to switch from a FaceTime call to a phone call or a FaceTime audio call. To do this, end the current call and then make a new call.
  • Make sure there isn’t a FaceTime outage.
